Acupuncture is an ancient technique based in eastern traditions that has been utilized for over 4,000 years. Using small, thin needles inserted into the skin, acupuncture can tap into an individual’s unique system and energetic field.
Acupuncture takes the whole individual into consideration and uses a holistic approach to regain that unique internal balance. Acupuncture is gentle, relatively safe and can be utilized on most people in most situations. Depending on the case, acupuncture treatments can produce both immediate and prolonged effects, with continued care leading to optimal results and outcomes. In the United States, acupuncture is performed by a licensed acupuncturist (LAc) and can be practiced in most states. Given the holistic approach, certain health and emotional issues can be addressed using a different perspective, treatment plan, and outcomes than through the typical lens of western medicine that westerners are accustom to. This is why so many people turn to acupuncture as a last resort to assist in their disease recovery process, not realizing these skills and modalities could have been utilized earlier in life and earlier in the disease process. Holistic acupuncture treatment can really change lives, advocating for individuals and ultimately giving the power back to the patient, where they can now take an active role in their healing journey.
From a western standpoint, acupuncture creates “micro-traumas” to the area of skin that is needled, signaling cells to come to that region and help repair the damage. This increases blood circulation, activates neurotransmitters (like Serotonin and Dopamine), releases endorphins, works on pain receptors in the brain, and decreases inflammation.
From an eastern standpoint, we have these lovely streams of energy lining our body called meridians or channels. These channels act like river ways and work to nourish corresponding organs and tissues when energy is flowing freely. Just like a river, when energy gets stuck, things start to back up and don’t flow as smoothly. In the body when the flow in channels get stuck those organs and tissues become deprived of energy and nourishment. Acupuncturist can use these channels to address many ailments by activating our innate healing capacity and identity the root cause of illness instead of merely addressing symptoms.
The most common side effects of acupuncture include bruising, bleeding or soreness at the area of the needles. Some dizziness and a feeling of light headedness are also possible during and after treatment, which is why it is important to eat something before coming to your acupuncture treatment.
During acupuncture, we typically let the needles “cook” for about 20-30 minutes. You might feel a variety of sensations during acupuncture. You might feel absolutely nothing at all or you might feel a tiny bite just when the needle goes in. However, once the needle is placed you shouldn’t feel any pain. During treatment, you might feel warmth, pressure or a grabbing sensation around the needles, you might also feel energy traveling from one place to another. After treatment, most people get off the table feeling relaxed, calm and have a sense of euphoria.
Yes! Acupuncture can be utilized on most people in most situations. Commonly treated issues include musculoskeletal pain, joint pain, digestive issues, gynecological health, anxiety and depression, immune support, headaches and migraines, and more.
Come see for yourself :)
If you are looking for an acupuncturist along side integrative medicine in Portland, OR, get in touch with us today! We look forward to working with you to achieve your health goals.
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